Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Bank Holiday

Hello, well what an eventful bank holiday and for once it didn't chuck it down and drown us all weekend.
I gave up my usual Friday night tipple last weekend, as I thought I should try and have a reasonably clear head for the 4yr old Coolman Hfd's first outing. So Saturday morning off to Holden Fold Stud I went clear headed and with help from the wonderful super groom Claire got Barinka Hfd and Coolman Hfd all plaited and looking pretty for the show.

Super Groom Claire with Coolman Hfd and me and Barinka Hfd.
It was only a small local show and we only did Prelim, but as it was my first outing on the 5 yr old Barinka Hfd and it was Coolman Hfd's first EVER outing it was enough. We had a fun day Coolman Hfd enjoyed his little adventure and made sure I was aware of the fun he was having, with a few cheeky bucks in the warm up. When I finally had 99% of his attention we went in for our test and finished with a respectable 64% and third place!! Which in my eyes for 4yr old on a first outing which was really only ment to be a look and see was very pleasing.
The lovely 5 yr old Barinka Hfd was keen to show the giddy Coolman Hfd how it was done and rode a very nice test for me finishing on a personal best for the mare of 72% and first place! So all in all a very successful day leaving both myself and my trainer Angela Crane very happy ladies with the young horses.
While Barinka and Coolman we busy preparing for there outing the other horses were still coming on nicely. 3yr old Spyder Hfd his flying through his latest program to help improve suppleness and submission through the neck and back, with fantastic results. "The big guy" is now well on his way to those changes by using lots of simple changes. Also doing tempi changes using canter 4 strides then walk 2 strides then canter 4 strides ect ect striking off on the different canter lead each time, this is really helping him to bring is back end under him to the correct positioning for the flying changes and effective response from the leg aids. Fingers crossed I am hoping to have them established by next week! :).
I even managed to have a bit of "me time" this weekend which is a very rare thing when your life revolves around horses. So of all the things I could have done, guess what I did....................I baked a cake of all things!! ha ha I chuckled to myself the whole time thinking what am I doing the stables could really do with de cobwebbing and I am baking! The things you do in order to take some none horsey time are random! I even got roped into Valeting by lovely boyfriend's tractor! phhaaa. This is my lovely boyfriend who on Saturday chose to go to the cattle auction instead of supporting me at my show and then rang me NOT to ask how I got on but what time would I be back as he wanted to know what time we could set off to tractor pulling!!! And he wonders why I get stressed!! lol
Here are the two super star Hfd young horses in a not so flattering pic of me, but what the hey they look super!

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